Enable Media Controls (MPRIS) on Bluetooth 

DzEN/DzEN @ 14 February 2021 

広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?


  1. Be sure your PC/Laptop Have a Bluetooth Support.
  2. Install “bluez” package^
  3. Install “bluez-utils” package^
  4. Create the file in systemd directory, in this exact location: ~/.config/systemd/user/mpris-proxy.service. The file should contain these lines:
Description=Forward bluetooth media controls to MPRIS



Start service with user flag (“–user”)

systemctl --user start mpris-proxy.service

then check it, its running? MPRIS Command and test it on your bluetooth device.

If you want to start automaticly you can

systemctl --user enable mpris-proxy.service

^(maybe different depending on your distro)