Change Pulseaudio to Pipewire 

DzEN/DzEN @ 11 May 2021 

Logo Pipewire

This tutorial was tested on Manjaro, Package or other command is depending with Your distro

Remove Pulseaudio packages:

sudo pacman -R manjaro-pulse
sudo pacman -R pulseaudio

if doesnt work try this^:

sudo pacman -Rdd pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-ctl pulseaudio-equalizer pulseaudio-jack pulseaudio-lirc pulseaudio-rtp pulseaudio-zeroconf pulseaudio-equalizer-ladsp

Install “pipewire” package

On Manjaro you can just add package: “manjaro-pipewire”: “pacman -S manjaro-pipewire” or install these packages “pipewire, pipewire-alsa, pipewire-pulse, pipewire-jack, sof-firmware, gst-plugin-pipewire” (these packages depend on Your distro)

Install WebRTC screen sharing

Some browser still use x11 for capituring desktop, add package with what desktop are Your using: “sudo pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-×××”, “×××” = ‘gtk’ → for Gnome, ‘kde’ → KDE Instalasi WebRTC

Reboot your Computer

After reboot Computer you may notice in KDE System Settings “Requires module-gsettings Pulseaudio module”, thats meaning you can’t use multi simultaneously output.

Check Application with Pulseaudio run on Pipewire

Use “pactl info”, and should be: Menjalankan Perintah "pactl info"

Bluetooth Audio Low Quality (Skip this if you dont have Bluetooth problem)

If you have a problem with bluetooth audio. you can changing codec with one of “sbc, aac, ldac, aptx, aptx_hd” in “/etc/pipewire/media-session.d/bluez-monitor.conf”, example:

        properties = {
            bluez5.codecs = [sbc]

Restart Service Pipewire then restart pipewire with: “systemctl –user restart pipewire.service

^(if have get an error, try remove package that doesnt exists)